Legacy Money: Using Life Insurance to Create Generational Wealth

Published on
June 8, 2023
Silvia Cabrera
Licensed Insurance Agent
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Building generational wealth is a desire shared by many families. Life insurance can be an instrumental tool in achieving this goal, allowing family members to create a financial legacy that spans multiple generations. In this article, we will delve into the story of the Johnson family to illustrate how life insurance can be utilized to build generational wealth, provide living benefits, supplement lost income, leverage cash value for wealth creation, optimize estate planning, and facilitate business succession.

The Johnson Family

Tom, Lisa, and their two children, Emily and Ethan. Tom and Lisa were hardworking individuals who dreamed of leaving a lasting financial legacy for their children and future generations. They understood that creating generational wealth required strategic planning and sought the guidance of a financial advisor.

These policies allowed them to access a portion of the death benefit while they were still alive if they experienced a qualifying event, such as a terminal illness or critical illness. This provided them with a source of income to cover medical expenses, seek quality care, or maintain their lifestyle during challenging times.

Their financial advisor, Sarah, introduced them to the concept of using life insurance as a vehicle to build and preserve wealth, as well as provide living benefits. Intrigued by the possibilities, Tom and Lisa decided to explore this strategy further.

1. The Power of Life Insurance as an Asset

Sarah explained to the Johnsons that life insurance not only provided a death benefit but could also offer living benefits. They learned that certain types of life insurance policies, such as permanent life insurance, had a cash value component that grew over time. This cash value could be accessed during the policyholder's lifetime and used to supplement lost income or meet financial needs.

2. Providing Living Benefits

Understanding the potential of life insurance to provide living benefits, the Johnsons recognized its importance as a safety net. They realized that if the main financial provider(s) of the family were to pass away, the loss of their income could create financial hardships for the surviving family members.

To address this concern, Tom and Lisa secured life insurance policies that offered living benefits. These policies allowed them to access a portion of the death benefit while they were still alive if they experienced a qualifying event, such as a terminal illness or critical illness. This provided them with a source of income to cover medical expenses, seek quality care, or maintain their lifestyle during challenging times.

3. Supplementing Lost Income

The Johnsons understood that the sudden loss of a main financial provider's income could have a significant impact on the family's financial stability. Recognizing this, they took proactive steps to safeguard their loved ones' future.

By securing adequate life insurance coverage, Tom and Lisa ensured that if either of them were to pass away, the life insurance policy would provide a lump-sum payment, known as the death benefit, to the surviving family members. This financial support would help cover essential expenses, such as mortgage payments, educational costs, outstanding debts, and everyday living expenses. It would act as a crucial supplement to the lost income, providing a source of stability during a difficult time.

4. Leveraging Cash Value for Wealth Creation

As the years went by, the cash value component of the Johnsons' life insurance policies continued to grow. Recognizing this opportunity, Tom and Lisa decided to leverage the cash value to build generational wealth. They worked with their financial advisor to borrow against the cash value and invested in income-producing assets, such as rental properties and a small business. The income generated from these investments was reinvested or used to support their financial goals, further contributing to the growth of their generational wealth.

5. Estate Planning and Tax Efficiency

Looking ahead to the future, Tom and Lisa wanted to ensure a smooth transfer of their wealth to their children and future generations. They realized that life insurance played a crucial role in estate planning, offering an efficient way to pass on wealth. With the guidance of their financial advisor and estate planning attorney, they structured their

 life insurance policies and estate plan to minimize tax implications. By doing so, they ensured that the full value of the life insurance death benefit would be preserved and available to establish a solid financial foundation for their heirs.

6. Business Succession and Wealth Transfer

Tom was a successful entrepreneur who owned a thriving business. He wanted to ensure that the business would continue to thrive even after his retirement or in the event of his untimely passing. Together with their financial advisor, Tom and Lisa implemented a comprehensive business succession plan that incorporated life insurance. They funded a buy-sell agreement with life insurance, providing the necessary liquidity to facilitate a smooth transfer of ownership. This strategy protected the financial interests of both Tom and Lisa, as well as their children, ensuring the continuity of the business and its contribution to the family's generational wealth.


The Johnson family's story illustrates the multifaceted benefits of life insurance in building generational wealth. By utilizing life insurance policies that offer living benefits, Tom and Lisa were able to protect themselves and their children while still alive, ensuring financial stability in the face of critical or terminal illness. Moreover, by securing life insurance coverage that provides a death benefit, they protected their loved ones from the potential loss of income due to their untimely demise.

Additionally, the Johnsons leveraged the cash value of their life insurance policies for wealth creation, optimized their estate planning to preserve and transfer wealth tax-efficiently, and incorporated life insurance into their business succession plan for a smooth transition of ownership. These strategies further enhanced their ability to build and preserve generational wealth.

While every family's situation is unique, the Johnsons' approach highlights the importance of integrating life insurance as part of a comprehensive financial plan. Consulting with a knowledgeable financial advisor or insurance professional is crucial to tailor the right life insurance solutions that meet individual circumstances. By leveraging life insurance to provide living benefits, supplement lost income, leverage cash value, optimize estate planning, and facilitate business succession, families can create a strong financial foundation and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.